Richard Jones

My name is Richard Jones and I’m a West Wales based classic fly dresser with a passion for collecting, dressing and fishing early classic salmon flies of mainly Irish origin. My passion for fly dressing has grown from tying simple flies for my Salmon and Sea trout fishing on local rivers into an obsession which has taken me on a historical journey into world of classic fly dressing. Since first watching Davie McPhail and his wonderful Durham Ranger video my passion for dressing these wonderful Gaudy salmon flies has taken over much of my life for the last 15yrs. My journey into this obsessive world has been nothing short of amazing, meeting some of the kindest and most generous people within the fly tying community along the way. In more recent years I have been collecting early examples of salmon flies and vintage tying materials to refrence and promote the art of classic fly dressing. I’m very much looking forward to showcasing this victorian art at BFFI and igniting the passion in the next generation.