Ed Ford

I have many childhood memories of fishing with friends and family and in 2006 my older brother introduced me to the world of fly fishing.
My passion for tying flys started soon after and being a self-taught tyer I still continue to learn the art of wrapping fur and feather onto a hook to tempt the fish of our piscatorial dreams.
I prefer to wrap traditional Scottish wet fly patterns putting my twist onto them by using different and more modern materials.
I have been previously asked to tie at both Fly Fest at Penrith and also The Scottish Fly Fair representing Ahrex Hooks.
I started of fly fishing with my brother in my local river for wild brown trout and then moved onto still waters for stocked rainbow trout. Now I mainly fish my club loch which over the recent years has been far less than I would have liked to due to ongoing health issues. Most of my enjoyment now comes from hearing the stories from friends that have caught their personal bests or had red letter days fishing with flies that I have tied for them.