John Murphy

I began on my fly tying journey a number of years ago. A little over 16 years to be more specific when I was around the age of 14.
For a number of years the only patterns I tied were simple lures for my own box tailored for local Stillwater fishing at venues such as Ellerdine, Lloynton, Cound and Blithfield. So I cut my teeth on the likes of Cats Whiskers, Nomads, Blue Flash Damsels and Vivas.
I then began to switch my attention to fishing rivers, and this had a big impact on my fly tying. I began to take a much more pride in the patterns I was producing and began to experiment more with different materials and patterns.
Starting with Nymph patters then moving onto dries I am now an accomplished tier of both River and Stillwater patterns. However my main area of tying still lies within “river patterns”.
I am a completely self taught tier and now find myself not only being a Pro member at Greys, I am also an ambassador of Chuck n Duck fly tying company. I have also recently began a YouTube channel that is growing with every video uploaded, currently my highest viewed upload has 7,000 views within 3months.