Robert McDonald-Lewis

I grew up in the Northwest Highlands of Scotland and started fishing the coastal waters and hill lochs of Lochaber when I was seven years old. It was not until I finished University in 2002 that I started fly-fishing. In 2003 I received a fly-tying kit for Christmas, so I have been fly-tying for almost nineteen years.
At first, my fly fishing and fly tying focused on the many fine small, stocked waters of Aberdeenshire. By 2005 my thoughts were returning to the hill lochs and wild waters I grew up fishing. These are my preferred waters, and I enjoy visiting the most remote lochs I can find. Living and working in Aberdeenshire, access to remote hill lochs is not always easy; fortunately, there are several exceptional local trout streams to visit.
While wild Brown Trout are the main focus of my fishing and tying, I also regularly fish for Sea Trout and Salmon, Grayling during the winter and occasionally, I have a cast for Pike. I also enjoy tying a wide range of flies for all the above species. From wee nymphs and dries through traditional spiders, wets, streamers and Salmon and Seatrout flies. I particularly enjoy tinkering with traditional wet fly patterns, putting my own spin on them and occasionally developing new patterns.