Simon Easthope

I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the sport of flyfishing by my father at the age of 10.
A year later, he received a fly tying kit for Christmas and watching him use this was the start of my fly tying journey.
When he ran out of things to teach me, he got in contact with a professional fly tyer who lived locally, and he took the time to teach me. Under his tutelage, my passion for the hobby reached new heights. In 1993, he introduced me to the Norvise, and there my fascination with spinning vice techniques grew.
In recent years I have personally developed and perfected innovative new techniques and styles. I look for any opportunity to push boundaries and break into new tying territory. The new synthetics are making this process even more exciting.
I sometimes describe myself as a fly tyer who likes fishing. I love casting a line, but fly tying is my true passion. Over 30 years since I first started tying, and I’m still learning and creating new things. For me, fly tying remains as fascinating and exciting as it was the first time I tied a fly.